Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Berserker IV Feature - Immortal Bird

This Saturday night, April 15th Immortal Bird will be making their way to town from Chicago to play Berserker. Although their Facebook page says that this band plays "Windy City Dream Pop", don't let that fool you. This band is about as metal as they come. Give their latest album Empress/Abscess a listen below. Then check out what Immortal Bird had to say in response to that same set of Berserker questions that we've been asking all of the awesome bands on the fest. You may even learn a useful fact or two if you make it all the way to the end!

HID- What two words best describe your band?
Immortal Bird- "Dad Issues"

HID- Why should people check out your set at Berserker?
Immortal Bird- "Our guitarist has great hair and super blue eyes. Also we might throw candy into the audience."

HID- What’s the best part about playing a fest like this?
Immortal Bird- "Aside from the actual playing part, it rules seeing so many of our friends from all over the country. This fest in particular is also incredibly well put together, so we know when we get there it'll be clusterf*ck free!"

HID- Are you looking forward to checking out any of the other bands on the fest?
Immortal Bird- "Absolutely! We're super stoked for GWAR, Brain Tentacles, Night Vapor, and Weedeater especially. We'll only be there on Saturday, otherwise we'd love to catch Eyehategod, Cemetery Piss, Negative Approach, and a bunch more on Friday."

HID- For those Berserker goers that might not have heard your band before, name one of your songs that they should definitely check out.
Immortal Bird- "Saprophyte" and "Ashen Scabland" are fun tunes to put on when you want to get sad/angry and punch a wall. Don't punch a window, though. It's not worth it.

HID- The lineup for this year’s Berserker is pretty epic. If you could have any four bands headline a fest, who would you pick?
Immortal Bird- "Rush (THEY AREN'T DONE, THEY CAN'T BE DONE!), Dillinger Escape Plan, Emperor, and Godflesh."

HID- When you’re out on tour, what are three things that you must have with you?
Immortal Bird- "Aux cable for the van tunes, more socks than you think you'll ever need, and Malort."

HID- What else should people know before they check out your band at Berserker?
Immortal Bird- "Bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun! Also, in your lifetime, you will create enough saliva to fill two swimming pools."

Tickets for Berserker are available for $60 for the whole weekend or $40 per day. You can pick yours up in advance here or at the local businesses listed below. You can also enter to win a pair of weekend passes from Hip in Detroit and Berserker! Get details on how to enter the giveaway here.


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