Thursday, August 23, 2012

You Have A Date Tonight With The Detroit Zoo!

Tonight the Detroit Zoo will have a full house, but it won’t be full of families and screaming children like many other days. Instead, the zoo will only be letting in those that are 21+ from 6-9 p.m. The event is called Summer Zoomance! This is the second night this summer that the zoo has hosted this fun, adult only event.
For $12 patrons can get into the zoo for the evening. You can visit the attractions and the animals as you would on a usual visit. However, tonight there will also be musical entertainment and adult beverages! Music, drinks and no kids. That beats a normal day at the zoo for sure! And I love the zoo, so you know that means something!

Although the event is called “Zoomance”, don’t let that steer you single folks away. I’m sure you will have just as much fun as those that are there with their significant other. Let’s be honest, you might even have more fun. Plus, if you haven’t ever been to the zoo in the evening before, that is reason enough to come out to this event. The animals are generally way more active than they are during the afternoon.

So rather than spending tonight sitting on the couch or sitting on a bar patio drinking, switch things up a little. Head out to the Detroit Zoo and have a drink with the camels or the tigers! It looks like it should be a perfect night for it too! 


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