Thursday, March 22, 2018

Marche Du Nain Rouge: It's Time to Chase the Little Red Devil Out of Town

Detroit has been through some rough times over the years. Some people blame the car companies or the riots as being the downfall of Detroit, others claim that Detroit's fate was written in the stars. Legend has it that Detroit's founder Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac met with a psychic who warned him to beware of of the Nain Rouge. The Nain Rouge was a little red devil that Cadillac had seen in his dreams, a little red devil that was taunting him. The fortune teller warned him that the little red devil was the messenger of doom, the embodiment of all the anger, pride, and envy that was holding him back. The fortune teller also warned him that if he choose to settle here in Detroit it might pay off one day, but the struggle to get there would be an uphill battle full of set backs. She also warned him to stay away and resist taunting the devil, but he didn't listen. When he met the little red devil, he yelled at him and hit him with a stick, and of course he settled here in Detroit.

I have never been one to believe in urban legends, but you have to admit that this lady was right on board. Detroit is a beautiful place full of amazing people, but it has been a long uphill battle to keep her going at times. Of course it doesn't matter if this story is true or not because what it stands for is a lot more important. Cadillac died penniless, but the city that he created carried on to thrive and grow. Perseverance in the face of the impossible is what Detroit is known for. We aren't about to let any little red devil win this or any other battle. This is why we gather once a year to chase that damn Nain Rouge right out of town. We gather as a united peoples to celebrate the uphill battle that we have been on. We have come very far, but we have a long way to go.

Let's all join together this Sunday, March 25th and chase the devil right out of town! This year everyone will be meeting at the corner of Canfield and Second at noon to match to the Masonic Temple where the Nain Rouge himself will give a speech before we chase him out of town. This event is FREE and everyone is encouraged to come out in masks or costumes so that little red devil doesn't see your face and taunt you throughout the next year.


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